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British Car Clubs +Car shows in Florida

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►  PUBLISHER’S NOTE RE BRITISH CAR CLUBS around Florida. There are  too many to list here–I would be typing forever. They merge, fold, launch new ones etc. So just Google to find others not on this page. Search by “Austin Healey Florida” or “Triumph cars Florida”  or “Jaguar Club Florida” and you’ll find them all.  Most have websites.   ALSO: www.goldcoastbritcar.org shows some of the other Florida British car clubs on its website.

February  2025.  [See website for current date]   Annual BRITISH CLASSIC CAR SHOW.  See website www.goldcoastbritcar.com for current details. 

►  All British Car Club based in Orlando area.   See website  www.allbritishcarclub.com for latest event.

The British Car Club of Southwest Florida [BCCSWF) is a Club for fans, owners, and stewardship of British cars of all vintages. The club maintains a busy activity calendar plus coordinates technical points-of-contact.  BCCSWF hosts an international invitational car show each January at the Peace River Sculpture and Botanical Gardens in Punta Gorda, and also organizes the B.I.G. (British-Italian-German) car show in the Fort Myers area. INFO: see www.bccswf.com

TRIUMPH MOTOR CYCLE owners group: see www.tomcc.org and look for the Florida groups. 

► MG Lovers!  1] For this year’s show date see www.gofsouth.org   The Classic MG Club in Orlando hosts its annual “Gathering of the Faithful” for MG automobiles in Florida. MG owners from all over Florida gather here.  All lovers of British cars welcome to attend!  Full details on their website.  Ogle over a hundred glorious MGs.   QUESTIONS:  Contact Lonnie Cook show Chairman on 407-670-9679 or send email to gofsouth2020@gmail.com.  2] MG CLUB’s annual GATHERING OF THE FAITHFUL in Ocala area.    Event is open to MG owners or enthusiasts. This year’s info see website  www.britishcarclub.net   for info.  [3] MELBOURNE-based MG Car Club—various events. Sign up to get their newsletter.  Website www.mgcarclubflorida.org  Contact President Brian Mitchell [321] 254-9605 or send him email to bgspain@hotmail.com 

 BRITISH CAR SHOW WHEELS ACROSS THE POND in Jupiter, Florida.   Usually in March, but see website for this year’s date. British and European cars and Motorbikes. Racing drivers often attend all day. This show was started in 2006 by a fellow Brit.  INFO and register your car to enter on  www.wheelsacrossthepond.com .

►   MOUNT DORA  Classic Cars and Coffee Morning for any British/European Classic car owners  from 9a.m till 12 noon. Check  current venue  with organiser  Phil Barnard before setting off.  British breakfast available from Mount Dora’s British pub and the Magical Meat Boutique. Free entry. Call British organizer Phil Barnard – (352) 735 0025 or  [352 ] 223 6238

Brevard British Car Breakfast and Driving Group meets in Cocoa Beach for breakfast. After there’s a showing of the attendees cars and a drive through the scenic Brevard back roads.  For breakfast location contact Mike Euziere cell [321] 514-2965  email:   Mike53fun@yahoo.com  

►  MINI CLUB of MIAMI–rallies and events throughout the year for owners and lovers of Minis.
Call Peter Diez on [305] 804-4051

  ►  All British car and motorcycle enthusiasts are invited to BRIT BASH, the annual celebration of British motorcars and motorcycles in Vero Beach. See current details on www.mgcarclubflorida.org or call Norman Ridgeley on [772] 532-4265.

► WEST FLORIDA. The annual All British Car Show and Autojumble—-Main Street is filled with over 200  British cars classic and modern.  The event also features a DJ, raffle, vendors, British regalia and food.  Free admission. Funds raised benefit a worthy charity.  Includes awards where you can vote for your favourite British car.   Run by the Tampa Austin Healey Club.  INFO on their website www.tbahc.com or phone [941] 320 4971 and ask for Walt.  

►  TAMPA BAY BRITISH CAR CLUB. Ogle beautiful British motors and mix with fellow car club members, British and American.
Hold events throughout the year. Email club president Eric Levitt erictr8@outlook.com . See website www.tbbcc.club.

►  NORTHWEST FLORIDA BRITISH MOTORING CLUB holds shows, events, rallies throughout the year.   INFO: Phone Charlie O’Connors  [850] 212-0779   

 ►  FLAME CAR CLUB  for British Mini owners or lovers in the Orlando area.  Holds shows, rallies and events throughout the year.  INFO on  www.flamemini.net  Call Gwen Bowen [407] 756-4477.

►  TAMPA area BRITISH MOTOR CLASSIC SHOW at the Peter O. Knight Airport as part of the Davis Islands Festival.  Enter your British car, be a spectator, vendor or sponsor.   Call Rick [352] 650-5135  See current info on website   www.britishmotorclub.net

SUNCOAST MG CAR CLUB—-many British car events, including their huge annual MG Jamboree.   INFO: Glenn Lenhard 727-521-9890   www.fsmgcc.com    or email glenn@glennsmg.com     ALSO Their website lists dozens of other British car clubs in Florida on their Links page.

£$  TIP:  WANT TO SAVE WHEN TRANSFERRING over UK CURRENCY?   DON’T USE YOUR BANK!  Use Moneycorp.  [ I use Moneycorp myself–FABB President.]    TO FIND OUT MORE:    Phone Moneycorp’s Kelly Cutchin on  [863] 207-6616 at their USA HQ in Orlando to ask all your questions.  Or email your query to Kelly Cutchin  kelly.cutchin@moneycorp.com  The pound is shaky.  That affects all expats in Florida who still have UK dealings. To transfer your precious funds, we highly recommend you use the services of Moneycorp.  At lower rates than any bank!  This will save you fees and grief, as we Londoners say!  What your own bank won’t do is save considerable  exchange fees, like Moneycorp.    Droves of satisfied Florida and USA clients. It is the only UK currency exchange company licenced to deal in 50 states.   Many expat Brits here have used this currency service for years and report huge savings and satisfaction.    Moneycorp’s HQ is in England.   Posted by the Florida Association of British Business [FABB].  Moneycorp have been trusted members since 2005.