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Move to Florida from UK….Use FABB’s immigration + relocation services


Make this the year YOU move to fabulous Florida! Feel some sun on your shivering British bones. Join FABB to save you grief, fellow Brits! We’ll steer you through the process.  Use our relocation services! We’ve been doing this successfully since 1997.  Below one of many testimonials from UK FABB Members who used FABB for their move to Florida:   TOP TESTIMONIAL from the British Consul-General for Florida himself: “Anybody in the UK wishing to live and work in Florida should first contact FABB. ”
—-Advice from Her Majesty’s British Consul-General for Florida in 2002 at a Florida function.

We made it to Florida–thanks to FABB! We used FABB’s trusted, experienced team and FABB’s business broker to find us an E2 business to buy, their Immigration attorney to handle our visa application,  FABB’s accountant to do the due diligence before buying, FABB’s shipping company and more.  FABB gave us peace of mind and oiled the works for this major step in our lives. The small one-time membership fee saved us worry, precious time and possible fraud by others.”  —OLWEN STUBBS who moved to Central Florida from Wales. 

NOTE:  Most UK Brits just use our services to move to Florida then we never hear from them afterwards! Too busy soaking up the Florida rays!
So the testimonial above is precious to us here in the FABB office!  We look forward to YOU becoming our newest member.

THOUSANDS OF BRITONS DREAM OF  BAILING OUT OF BLIGHTY AND MOVING TO FABULOUS FLORIDA.  That yearning by UK Britons started in the 80s with the trips to the new Disney world and continues unabated today. 
►  THE FIRST STEP is to join FABB to get answers specific to YOU.    We have helped droves of Brits get established over in Florida with guidance and advice from our expert Florida team.  We steer you through the process:   Since 1997, FABB has helped hundreds of Brits get established in Florida—-more than any other professional organization.   Benefit from our unmatched immigration and relocation services. Save time, money, research and avoid being conned.   After joining,  we send you custom information suited to your needs—your roadmap to a potential life in Florida. . 
TO APPLY:   Send email to  britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com   On subject line put:  “Join FABB from UK. ”   Include your name + current city + Florida city you prefer to settle.  Or call FABB’s office in Miami  [305] 450-1755 during Florida office hours.  

►  NOTE:   Since 1997,  FABB has been the top resource for UK Brits wishing to emigrate to Florida.  Featured many times on UK TV and top magazines/newspapers  FABB has an unequalled team of experts and resources to help Brits get established in Florida.

►   NOTE:   FABB was named the Best British Business Association in the USA 2010 by the UK’s Weekly Telegraph, reaching expats in 47 countries, in the  Best of British Awards.

►  BEWARE !!!    ARTICLE in Union Jack Newspaper Florida column :  SWINDLER OF FLORIDA BRITS CONVICTED.   American Doug Hall was sentenced to 9 years after swindling various British families out of $6 million by promising bogus immigration services and fake E2 businesses.  He set up Central Florida Visa Group in Lakeland.  Hall pleaded no contest February 11, 2011 to 16 counts of grand theft at a court in Bartow, Florida.  Among those who lost out was one Briton who lost £150,000, given to Hall to buy a dive business in South Florida.  He sold his England home in the hope of starting a new Florida life but lost all in this visa scam.  Prosecutor Nicole Orr said:  ‘” Hall created the illusion that the victims would be approved for an immigration visa and that the money was safe.”  He attracted many of his clients by attending trade shows in the UK.   Readers, if you want an honest immigration firm or business broker in Florida, just ask me.  I know them all by reputation after 25 years of dealings with them.  Hall is just the latest immigration crook over the years–a few of these scoundrels were Brits robbing their own countrymen.  Most were never caught, disappearing back to the UK.  I think Hall was caught because he is American and could not flee.——Patricia Kawaja,  Florida page columnist.    

NOTE :  The above wouldn’t have happened had these UK Brits joined FABB.    We don’t allow crooks on our immigration/relocation team and have never had any of our members swindled since our launch in 1997.   FABB was the first to offer comprehensive relocation services to Florida and our business model, conceived by Patricia Kawaja in 1997, has since been widely copied. 

► ARE YOU A BRIT ALREADY LIVING IN FLORIDA or own a holiday home/property there?  Sign up for our eBritnews email—invitations to local British events and info relevant to expats.  Email your name and city to  britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com  On subject line put:  Receive Florida eBritnews.