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►  WHERE TO BUY UK NEWSPAPERS in FLORIDA.    Bookstore chains inside Florida malls sometimes sell UK newspapers. This is usually limited to the previous Sunday Times flown in from the UK.   Phone your nearest bookshop and ask.  You can’t subscribe to a print UK newspaper mailed to your home. Those days are long gone!  It’s all online now. In the late 90s I used to get the Sunday Mail and Daly Express delivered to my house in Ft. Lauderdale.  NOTE:   Some major libraries in Florida cities, carry a reference copy of the Sunday Times and maybe others.  Call the library to ask before you set off. 

   Get all your favourite UK magazines sent to Florida from website  www.expatmagazines.co.uk  

►  The Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday ceased printing and distribution in Florida back in 2011, alas. You now read it only online  www.dailymail.co.uk

►   PRESSREADER is service which delivers UK publications [and other foreign titles] to you in Florida and all USA. See details on www.pressreader.com  

►    SPEEDIMPEX in New York delivers UK newspapers [like the Sunday Times] to newstands,  book shops, airports and other outlets  throughout out the USA. [NOT subscriptions to your home] .  They are the USA’s main distributors.  www.speedimpex.com      Phone them on [718] 392-7477 to ask where is your nearest place in Florida to buy British newspapers.  NOTE:  The Times, Sunday Times, Observer, Independent and  other UK Newspapers can only be obtained in Florida at bookstores and newsstands–so phone Speedimpex to ask for stockists in YOUR Florida city.

► THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH newspaper is a roundup of articles from the respected Daily Telegraph in London. It’s full of in-depth features, analysis, human interest stories and a large section.  I subscribe here in Miami and recommend it highly as a bloody good read! The articles are literary, erudite and analytical. Any girl on page 3 of the Telegraph will be in a suit and specs. Reading the WT makes me realise the paucity of great journalism here in the States. There is an insightful feature [submitted by British readers themselves in many countries], called EXPAT LIFE.  This reveals how your expat counterparts live around the world and therefore underscores how great Florida is!  In 2006, they published my article about expat life in Miami.   They ceased the print edition in February 2016, alas.  I will miss the joy-with-coffee-cup experience of turning the pages of the WT.   You can only get the online version now:   go to www.telegraph.co.uk/subscriptions/wt.  

THE GUARDIAN Newspaper,  which was circulated to expats around the world,  also ceased the newspaper print version in the USA in 2015.
►   British people are readers. The land of Shakespeare, Milton, Wordsworth and Noel Coward has the world’s most literate people and the world’s most infamous newspapers.   All UK newspapers now are available online, of course, but there is no substitute for turning the pages over a cuppa PG Tips and a McVities.  Besides, one does not get the whole paper online.  Below are the papers expats in Florida read and can get mailed direct to their home in Florida

► ARE YOU A BRIT LIVING IN FLORIDA?  OR A UK BRIT WITH PROPERTY THERE?  Sign up for our eBritnews email—invitations to local British events and info relevant to expats.  Send email to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com  On subject line put:   Receive Florida eBritnews.  IMPORTANT:   Must include your city + contact phone.  

►  Sad day:  Union Jack Newspaper ceased publication in July 2016, after 34 years. It was the only national newspaper for Brits resident in the USA. The Florida column, about and for the British community in the Sunshine State, was written by Patricia Kawaja since October 1992, for 24 years.  She was the Florida editor–see pic above of business card and is now the publisher of this website www.britishflorida.com.    Overall content of UJ was British news and information on everything of interest to British expats here:  The paper was popular and widely-read all across Florida.  It was established in 1982 by two brothers from Manchester who produced and published it from CaliforniaNOTE:   For other ways to reach the British community across Florida now contact the British Bureau of Florida via email to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com  or call the office (305) 450-1755 in Miami.  On subject line put:   “British in Florida marketing query”.   

  THE SUN-UPDATE  This popular UK paper did print daily in Florida [minus the page 3 topless girl in the UK version, because Americans are shocked by a pair of beautiful breasts] .  But the newspaper ceased operations in Florida in August 2010.  

►  THE BEST OF BRITISH is truly the most beautiful British magazine I have ever seen.  Send for a copy and indulge  yourself.   If you are over 35 it will be a feast for your British heart. Britain‘s Magazine of Memories is how the Publisher describes it. This will make you long for the England you knew and the England you wish it could still be, before Blair got his hands on it.  To subscribe in Florida go to website  www.bestofbritishmag.co.uk   Or call the publishers in Lincolnshire on Tel. 011441 778 342814

►  EXPAT INVESTOR MAGAZINE  www.expatinvestor.com They have a free access site and free monthly personal finance publication.  Published in the UK and written with British expats in mind but is also  pertinent to international investors. Lots of information on familiar British banks and financial intuitions with offshore operations.  Everything from a cheque account to asset management and tax info. Reader friendly – minimum jargon. Excellent resource for Brits in Florida–look at their website.

►  The Sunday Times, long considered one of the best newspapers in the world, arrives by plane from UK on Mondays in Florida. The stingy publishers remove the colour magazine first, due to weight.   You can buy the ST at most Barnes and Noble and Borders bookstores throughout Florida, which carry UK papers. You’ll find them listed by zipcode online by doing a Google Search. Phone each one before driving over. The ST goes fast!   The paper also has a comprehensive website www.sunday-times.co.uk

£$   TIP:  WANT TO SAVE WHEN TRANSFERRING over UK CURRENCY?   DON’T USE YOUR BANK!  Use Moneycorp.  [ I use Moneycorp myself–FABB President.]   TO FIND OUT MORE:    Phone Moneycorp’s Kelly Cutchin on  [863] 207-6616 at their USA HQ in Orlando to ask all your questions.  Or email your query to Kelly Cutchin   kelly.cutchin@moneycorp.com for detailsThe pound is shaky.  That affects all expats in Florida who still have UK dealings. To transfer your precious funds, we highly recommend you use the services of Moneycorp.  At lower rates than any bank!  This will save you fees and grief, as we Londoners say!  What your own bank won’t do is save considerable  exchange fees, like Moneycorp.   NOW is an advantageous time for you to transfer any funds you have.  THE BEST WAY:   Moneycorp, the UK company with an office in Florida and droves of satisfied Florida clients. It is the only UK currency exchange company licenced to deal in 50 states.   Many expat Brits here have used this currency service for years and report huge savings and satisfaction.  Moneycorp’s HQ is in England.   Posted by the Florida Association of British Business [FABB].  Moneycorp have been trusted members since 2005.