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PENSIONS from UK : How to claim

See below to find out if you are eligible.
You may have untapped money owed–can’t hurt to find out!   NOTE: There are 2 types of UK pensions,
[A] private/company and [B] UK government. They are unrelated! See [A] and [B] below.  

[A] DID YOU PAY INTO A UK COMPANY OR PRIVATE PENSION?  Take control of your UK pension(s) now! Contact fellow Brit JOHN TUNSTALL of FLORIN PENSIONS for an initial consultation to understand your options in the US before and during retirement. John is based in Tampa Bay and has specialized in providing UK pension transfer and investment advice to British expats in all parts of Florida since 2004. See company info on www.florinpensions.com  Contact John on cell (646) 338-5511 or email to jtunstall@florinpensions.com  On subject line put  UK PENSIONS QUERY. John is a member of the Florida Association of British Business. Florin Pensions is regulated by the SEC.  IMPORTANT:  Do not ask John about the government pensions—see [B] below]

[B] UK GOVERNMENT PENSIONS   If you ever paid into a UK pension scheme, paid UK social security or national insurance you should find out if you are eligible to receive anything.  Your records will still be in the UK Government system and you may be entitled to some payment, however small and however long ago. ►   PROCEDURE:   Write to them 6 months before retirement age, giving  1] Your UK social security number.  2] Date of Birth  3] Last address in the UK you lived.  4] Last date and place you worked in the UK.   5] If female, give maiden and married names.   They need this information so they can first FIND you in their records to and verify you.   ►Then the UK Government determines IF you are entitled to anything.  GOOD NEWS:  If you apply after retirement age they will still pay you any back-payment you’re due.   

SEND YOUR QUERY TO:     International Pension Centre, UK Department of Social Security, Tyneview Park,
Newcastle-on-Tyne NE 98 1BA,  England.   Phone from USA:  11441 91 218 7777   Enclose your USA phone and email.  NOTE:  They do have a website  www.thepensionservice.gov.uk  but strongly advise your first step to mail a physical letter. It gets more attention and cannot be “lost” in cyberspace!     

►  TIP:   When you write to them, mark the envelope front OVERSEAS PENSIONS so it reaches the right room immediately.  This avoids delays.  NEXT:  They will mail you back forms to fill.  You mail those back.  If you are due money, they wire your pension in US dollars direct into your US bank account.  [Or into a UK account in pounds sterling if you prefer].  It’s very efficient.    BACK PAYMENT:  They’ll even wire you any back-payment you’re owed, if you applied after retirement age.

► CAUTION:   THE  ONLY OFFICIAL WEBSITE  is:   www.thepensionservice.gov.uk    But we advise you FIRST to write to them, not email.   Emails can land in Spam, get accidentally deleted etc.  You won’t know if your email ever reached the UK Government.  

£$   TIP:  WANT TO SAVE WHEN TRANSFERRING over UK CURRENCY?   DON’T USE YOUR BANK!  Use Moneycorp.  [ I use Moneycorp myself–FABB President.]  TO FIND OUT MORE:    Phone Moneycorp’s Kelly Cutchin on  [863] 207-6616 at their USA HQ in Orlando to ask all your questions.  Or email your query to   kelly.cutchin@moneycorp.com    The pound is shaky.  That affects all expats in Florida who still have UK dealings. To transfer your precious funds, we highly recommend you use the services of Moneycorp.  At lower rates than any bank!  This will save you fees and grief, as we Londoners say!  What your own bank won’t do is save considerable  exchange fees, like Moneycorp.   THE BEST WAY:   Moneycorp, the UK company with an office in Florida and droves of satisfied Florida clients. It is the only UK currency exchange company licenced to deal in 50 states.   Many expat Brits here have used this currency service for years and report huge savings and satisfaction.    Moneycorp’s HQ is in England.   Posted by the Florida Association of British Business [FABB].  Moneycorp have been trusted members since 2005.