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British items for sale in Florida


TO ADVERTISE HERE:   Email your query with name + city + contact phone to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com   


► As pictured. British flag stickers, small, 2.5 inches wide by 1.5 ” high.  Many uses. Shop keepers put them on items for sale.  British events organizers give them to attendees for lapels or stick on event menus/place cards/invitations.  Stick them on Birthday or Christmas cards you send to Brits in your life.  SIZE:  each  sticker is 2″ x 1″.   TO ORDER:  100 stickers for $18.  Free shipping.  200 stickers for $25.  PRE-PAY BY PAYPAL.  First,  email query to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com  On Subject line put “British stickers order.”


BRITISH FLAGS, 5ft. wide x 3ft. with 2 brass grommets for hanging anywhere. Washable nylon fabric. $19.50 each, free S&H.   TO ORDER:  Email your query to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com  On subject line put “Britiish flag order.”  

►  NEED A BRITISH ACCENT FOR YOUR PROJECT,  RADIO/TV COMMERCIAL, VOICEOVER , your company phone system or any other purpose? The British accent is in great demand in the USA as a sales tool:  to the American ear it carries the sound of authority and sexiness.  Persuasive, authoritative, attractive, always in style, trendy and alluring….put a British accent to work for you.  Call the British Bureau office in Miami on [305] 450-1755 to discuss your needs.    Ask for Patricia. 

►  BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR BRITS in FLORIDA.  Company seeks expat British agents in Florida and any state required.  NASDAQ Health & Wellness Co. breakthrough products. Robust compensation.  Be your own boss and earn longterm residual income.  Ongoing need.   Contact fellow Brit Peter Stoker in Orlando via email easington8@gmail.com  or phone [407] 501-1992.

► ARE YOU A BRIT LIVING IN FLORIDA?  OR UK BRIT WITH PROPERTY THERE?  Sign up for our eBritnews email—invitations to local British events and info relevant to expats.  Send email to britishbusinessflorida@gmail.com  On subject line put:  Receive Florida eBritnews. IMPORTANT:  Must include your Florida city + contact phone.  
  £$   TIP:  WANT TO SAVE WHEN TRANSFERRING over UK CURRENCY?   DON’T USE YOUR BANK!  Use Moneycorp.  [ I use Moneycorp myself–FABB President.]   TO FIND OUT MORE:    Phone Moneycorp’s Kelly Cutchin on  [863] 207-6616 at their USA HQ in Orlando to ask all your questions.  Or email your query to kelly.cutchin@moneycorp.com     The pound is shaky.  That affects all expats in Florida who still have UK dealings. To transfer your precious funds, we highly recommend you use the services of Moneycorp.  At lower rates than any bank!  This will save you fees and grief, as we Londoners say!  What your own bank won’t do is save considerable  exchange fees, as Moneycorp does.    THE BEST WAY:   Moneycorp, the UK company with an office in Florida and droves of satisfied Florida clients. It is the only UK currency exchange company licenced to deal in 50 states.   Many expat Brits here have used this currency service for years and report huge savings and satisfaction.  Moneycorp’s HQ is in England.   Posted by the Florida Association of British Business [FABB].  Moneycorp have been trusted members since 2005.